Selection process:
All applications will be reviewed by Hannah Rose, Curator, and Dr. Stephen Felmingham, Head of School Critical and Cultural Studies
They will make an initial shortlist of applications to send to the selection panel
Each panel member then individually reviews the shortlisted applications and privately makes their own shortlist of four applications
All applications shortlisted by panel members are carefully reviewed at a selection day.
A final selection of two artists are agreed on by all panel members

Based in the South West region
Has a track record of operating professionally as an artist and can demonstrate that they are able to create an ambitious solo exhibition
Has written a realistic, clear and compelling proposal and has thought carefully about what they want to do and how they will do it
Has well presented documentation of their work that demonstrates the quality of their work well
Will benefit from and make the most of this opportunity
Selection Panel:
- Helen Cammock - Artist
- Mohini Chandra - Artist; Programme Lead BA (Hons) Photography and MA Subject Tutor (Photography)
- Rosie Mills Eckmire - Turf Projects
- Zoe Watson - Curator, The Holden Gallery
- Stephen Felmingham - Head of School | Critical + Cultural Studies, PCA
- Stephanie Owens - Head of School | School of Arts + Media, PCA
- Hannah Rose - Curator PCA

Simon Bayliss in the ceramic studios at Plymouth College of Art
As the Gallery is staffed by just one person (Hannah Rose) who works part time in the role, it is unfortunately not possible to offer individual feedback to all applicants. The final applications that are reviewed by the panel will however be given feedback.
How to apply:
We recommend that you download the application form questions (see link below) and complete and save your answers in advance (checking the word counts) before copying and pasting your answers into the form and submitting.
Download a Word doc version here.
Video Applications:
We also accept applications via video. If choosing to submit a video file please see the application form for specified time limits in which to answer the questions.
Please upload your video to Vimeo, YouTube or another online platform or website
Please paste the link to your video in each text box of the application form. If your video is password-protected, please include the password as well.
As part of your application, we will also ask you to complete a monitoring form to help us better understand who our opportunities are reaching and to work towards a more inclusive sector. The information you give is anonymised and is not linked to your application.
Deadline for applications:
Sunday 7th March 2021
Applications made after this deadline will not be accepted.
Applicants will be notified by the end of March.
Problems with submitting:
If you experience problems with submitting then please try the following steps:
- try submitting using a different internet browser
- clear your cache and then try again
- If you are still having problems please contact Hannah Rose at: